An inquiry into the performance of FLYING FIGHTER in Race 6 at the Singapore Turf Club Meeting on Saturday, 21 September 2024, was concluded on Thursday, 26 September 2024. After hearing evidence from Apprentice R Sazali and Trainer S Burridge, the Master of Apprentice Sazali and trainer of FLYING FIGHTER, Apprentice Sazali was found guilty of breaching MRA Rule 44(8), which states:
“The jockey of every horse in a race shall take all reasonable and permissible measures throughout the race to ensure that his horse is given the best opportunity to win or secure the best possible placing.”
The charge specified that Apprentice Sazali failed to ride his mount with sufficient vigour and determination in the final 200 meters, despite it being reasonable and permissible to do so.
Sazali’s questionable ride on No.8 Flying Fighter catches the stewards’ eye.
In determining the penalty, the Stewards considered the nature of the offence, his past record, personal circumstances, and relevant precedents. Apprentice Sazali was disqualified for one year, effective immediately, from Thursday, 26 September 2024, to Thursday, 25 September 2025, inclusive. He was also fined S$10,000 and informed of his Right of Appeal.