Jockey Profile

Shazmin Amirul bin Sudin

S Shazmin has ridden 7 winners this year. The most recent winner was aboard Stardice on 16 March 2024 in - 43 days ago. The most successful partnership in the past year was with trainer EP Tan with 9 winners (Strike rate: 10.59%).

S Shazmin is an Apprentice Jockey with 3kg claim allowance and goes to scale at 51kg.
Current Season From 06-01-2024 to 21-04-2024
Rank 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Total Rides Stakes Won Strike Rate Avg Win
($5 Unit)
#12 7 3 3 4 43 $122.5k 16.28% $36.00 17.21%

Upcoming Rides

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